Chandler is a ginger who fights the stereotypes; she claims to have a soul for every freckle. One can usually find Chandler in her natural habitat of a good book and a hot cup of chai tea, or wandering a forest trail; though she has been known to ride around town on her motorcycle from time to time. She believes in the art of escapism, which translates to avoiding the laundry with said good book and chai in hand. She enjoys bad puns almost as much as she enjoys food. She revels in the feel of spring sunshine on her face, and the scent of wood smoke in the air.
Chandler graduated from Marshall University with a BA in English, Creative Writing, in 2015. She is an editor for The Henlo Press.
Courtney Pierce- Co-Founder & Creative Director
Courtney runs entirely on caffeine and stories. She does not abide bad tea and is best motivated by adventure and good food. She believes that spookytimes are the best times.
If asked, she would readily admit that she has entirely too many cats and not enough tattoos.
C.W.Phelps is a graduate of the BGSU BFA Program of Creative Writing and founder of The Henlo Press
Shelly Jarvis- Book Coach
Shelly Jarvis is a writer form West Virginia who specializes in science fiction and fantasy. As well as her many published works, she was previously an editor and co-owner of Black Ink Fiction, dedicating her attention to developmental editing, idea sharing, and advising new authors. She has a strong passion for amplifying unheard voices. Learn more by visiting www.ShellyJarvis.com.

Tiffany James- Jr. Book Coach
If you asked someone about Tiffany, they’d say that she likes to best spend her days in a good book.And they would be ABSOLUTELY correct.
Tiffany is a traveler, and traveling to fictional worlds fits right into her niche. (Plus, fictional worlds are much better than the real one, let’s be honest). Give her a good, eye-catching book and a # 7 from McDonald’s or a chai tea latte from Panera Bread with loads of sugar, and she will be set for hours.